Film director Steven Spielberg and actress Mia Farrow joined activists worldwide Tuesday in using the Olympics as a backdrop to address human rights concerns, urging Beijing to exert political leverage on Sudan's government to help end the crisis in Darfur
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The delusional righteousness of Steven Spielberg, Mia Farrow and all those other phony “Save Darfur” activists

It really is incredible the gall and extreme hypocrisy of people who cry crocodile tears for Darfur. If they are really concerned about stopping the violence in Darfur they would discuss all the factors contributing to it. As Americans, Steven Spielberg and Mia Farrow should be discussing the role of the Untied States in fueling the violence in Darfur. Learn more about it from these two articles.
One is written by Keith Harmon Snow
the other is written by F William Engdahl
Why don’t the “Save Darfur” activists have anything to say about the United States’ role in the genocide in the Congo?
What about the genocide in Iraq?
What about the genocide in Somalia?
As long as people spend most of their time preaching to other countries and not to their own country, genocides will continue to occur.